Dec 7, 2018
Mar 6, 2017
The school councils in Maamulaha are also enjoying some collaborative working, and providing the opportunity for school councillors from the across the network schools to meet each other and work together has proved a popular addition to our network projects. Children...
Nov 14, 2016
A Maamalaha Project with Early Excellence November 2016 – May 2018 This collaborative project has enabled schools to develop an understanding of the Leuven Scales for Well Being Involvement and Adult Engagement and how to: Use these to develop understanding of...
Oct 12, 2015
Working in partnership, a number of schools in the Network are participating in a joint assessment and moderation project. The aims of this are to collate data across the schools, provide a rich evidence set for moderation and to identify shared areas of success and...
Jun 15, 2015
A project aimed at Year 6 pupils, with teacher resources provided. Over the course of 4 weeks, our pupils study a poem a week. Throughout the study, the children discuss the poems and share responses on a collaborative blog – before working on their own poem which...